Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Sunday lst March 2015

A most interesting day.  We went to a lunch (another of those goodbye things, of which we have and shall have a string.   This was with old friends who are also not married and the other two guests were in the same position.  Beryl and Roger have been together for 20 years, Calvin and I for 4, and Sue and Hennie for only 7 months.   We are of an age group and all survivors of previous marriages with families.

Each of the men is South African and all the women are British!  And none of us is settling for grandparenthood and slippers by the fire.   Beryl and Roger's social life would leave most people standing, and Sue and Hennie have just started a new business making and selling solar-powered inverters for those times of electricity cuts, which we are suffering here.  And as you all know by now, we are off to a whole new life on another continent.

All right, like-minded folk find one another, but it is still quite remarkable.   We had to cut the lunch a bit short as we had to be back at home to finally part with this vehicle, which is Calvin,s pride and joy.  Still, it has gone to a good home, and sets off on its new adventures this next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good looking van! Please tell me you got to have a go in it before Calvin let it go?
