Monday 13 April 2015

One of the furnishings of our apartment, is a gigantic TV with 125 channels.  That may sound impressive but at least 100 of them are Viet, Korean or Chinese and the 8 sports channels are also not in English.  That leaves Nat Geo Wild, Discovery. Animal Planet and 4 film channels which show exclusively violent action stuff.

However....attached to this monster, is a small box, would you believe, of streamed movies in an external hard drive.  So there are some 2000 of these to choose from.   OK, there are still, Viet, Korean and Chinese (but some of the latter, at least, I know) plus Japanese classics, but for the rest there is everything from The Gold Rush to Paddington and 50 shades of Grey,plus series from TV like CSI and Sherlock and The Game of Thrones.

Among the offerings, we found The Salvation, the Danish western filmed near Joburg, in which Calvin took part.   So we watched it, and he is clearly visible at least twice.   The film, itself, is very grim and unrelentingly miserable, and everyone is very wooden and unemotional.  Not recommended, but of course we had to see it, and Calvin says one of the lead roles has been entirely eliminated and much of the rest truncated, and its still too long an ponderous.

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